OSE is established by “Integrity and Sustainability. Based on this, we cultivate talents, and proactively explore business opportunity. To enhance connection with FMC market, we also put emphasis on quality assurance and of manufacturing technic requirement. Besides dedicating ourselves to clients service, employees caring, business operation, taking charge of stockholders and  duty of corporate citizenwe will keep devoting to tech-industry and new generation energies, for building better environment. 


Affected by Covid-19, declined demand from clients reflected frozen economy. Both FMC and LIC products were ordered less. Accordinglygrowth momentum of IC Center was diminished. Although the Gross margin climbed up, which was attributed to  not only clients’ positive anticipation and physical activity of pulling out, but also stable NAND Flash capacity and increasing demand, since the pandemic was eased since the 3rd quarter; the entire Gross Margin and Profit Margin of 2020 still decreased by a big margin, compared to 2019. 



  1. 「誠信踏實、永續經營」是創業精神與經營理念→以誠信與永續為本→being established by "Integrity and Sustainability"
  2. 以永續經營為目標,我們做了....→基於我們的經營理念(如上所述)→Based on this, we...
  3. 做了哪些事情的時態好難選,目前選了「現在簡單式」,但是現在完成進行式好像會更貼切:base on this, we have been cultivating talents, and exploring business oppertunities proactively.
  4. 積極拓產業務與產品→探勘商業機會→explore business oppertunities
  5. 透過嚴謹的品質把關與製程技術要求,持續深耕特定產品市場→為了深化與特定產品市場的連結強度,我們特別注重品質保證與製程技術要求。
    「深化連結」想了很兩個矩陣不知道該用哪個好─enlarge/ enhace + connection/ engagement;
    「特別注重」覺得用Focus on 的範疇比較小,最後選了Put emphasis on
  6. 削減成長動能→成長動能被削減→本來動能用Drive,查了以後覺得Growth momentum比較好;「減少/削減」想過的表達方式就很多,decreased, be reduced, be lessened, be reducted, be diminished, be laveaged, declined。最後根據查到的語感,猜測Diminish比較適合。但是其他減少的相關選擇,可以用在別的段落。
  7. 雖然因為原因1、原因2、原因3,帶動毛利率回升→根據先果後因的原則,改為「雖然毛利率回升,歸功於(attribute to) 原因1、原因2、原因3」;但這裡的關代用 Which很不安,因為前面不是名詞也不是子句。
  8. 第三季起疫情趨緩→pandamic was eased after(?)/ since(?)/from(?) the 3rd quarter。疫情趨緩應該有官方或媒體用法,其實不太確定be eased是否公允;以及,原本帶動毛利利回升的原因要用Since帶出來而不是attribute to,所以「第三季起」想用after the 2nd quarter 或from the 3rd quarter。是因為不想用這兩種,才回頭改Attribute to/ 會猶豫attribute的原因就是搞不清楚關代
  9. 大幅減少→Decreased by a big margin
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